Clerk of the Works

A VISCC Clerk-of-the-Works acts as your on-site guardian, ensuring quality and adherence to plans. Our experienced professionals meticulously verify construction progress, identify potential issues, and keep you informed. This proactive approach minimizes rework, maximizes cost savings, and delivers peace of mind throughout your project.
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The most dependable way to be assured of getting what you pay for during construction is to have a clerk-of-the-works (owners’ field representative) present during all construction activities. This service conforms to duties, responsibilities and limitations set forth in AIA Document B352, architect’s field representative.  VISCC will provide the degree of on-site supervision that is required to ensure quality control and conformance to plans and specifications. Cost savings realized from avoiding problems are often substantial.

By placing a clerk on your project you have owners’ assurance.  Your VISCC clerk will:

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Verify conformance to contract documents
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Witness testing of materials and systems
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Maintain orderly records of construction activities
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Coordinate training and distribution of Operations and Maintenance (O&M) manuals
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Review invoices, change orders and schedules
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Provide regular reports to the owner’s team to focus on resolving issues
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Keep the owner abreast of project issues so that informed decision can be made